Go Fund Me for Creation Summit

To host events, the three main creation apologetics ministries, Answers in Genesis, Creation Ministries International, and the Institute for Creation Research require one to two thousand dollars outlay. Consequently, not every organization is able to host one of these ministries. Creation Summit has no full time employees, all are volunteers, and most are retired. Thus they are able to serve churches from 20 to 20,000 persons. The only requirement is help with transportation and lodging.

Furthermore, we at Creation Summit cover an area largely ignored by the other creation groups: presenting research documenting the fact that the Darwin worldview has caused an enormous amount of harm in the Western world. One example is eugenics. One board member has published 14 books and over 400 articles documenting this claim. He has 9 college degrees and 43 years of teaching science at both the graduate and undergraduate level. At last count he has presented at over 400 churches.

The motivation is, as one high school teacher explained, after a presentation of human evolution, that it does not matter if God created humans or humans evolved.  The fact is, it matters greatly because Darwinism is the doorway to atheism. Before Darwin, the vast majority of naturalists and intelligentsia were creationists. After Darwinism was introduced in the West, close to 90 percent are now evolutionists and functional atheists, meaning they live their life as if there is no God. A major reason for the decline of Christianity in the West is people, especially those deemed educated, are fully convinced that all life evolved ultimately by chance. The main reason most people believe in God is the physical creation itself, especially the complexity of life, is evidence for a creator. A creation requires a creator. Darwin knew this was true, thus his goal was to come up with a naturalistic explanation for life. The problem is natural selection only explains the survival of the fittest. What is required is an explanation for the arrival of the fittest.

Darwinism is defined as the progression from molecules to humans purely by the accumulation of mutations which produce genetic variety. Neither Darwin nor evolutionists today have been able to propose a plausible explanation for the origin of the fittest. In short, modern Darwinism (aka “Neo-Darwinism”) teaches that we, and all life, are the product of billions of damage events to the genome called genetic mutations which are selected by natural selection. These genetic damage events are caused by dangerous radiation, such as gamma rays, along with cosmic rays and mutagenic chemicals.

The major problem with this idea is that close to 99 percent of all mutations are near-neutral, deleterious (very harmful), or lethal. Each new generation of humans contains many thousands of new mutations. Near-neutral means they only cause slight damage, but this damage adds up in time, eventually causing genetic catastrophe, i.e., death.

Despite this reality, most leading scientists favor the view that mutations are our creator, not God. This view is not only irresponsible, it is contrary to fact. This view is believed partly because the lower courts have, without exception, ruled that it must be taught in all public schools as fact. Furthermore, information contrary to this worldview must not be taught because, the courts have ruled, doing so is teaching “back-door religion,” and is, thus, unconstitutional.

Because only Darwinism can be taught in our government schools, and secular scientists control most of the media and science book/journal publishing, most people in the Western world, even many people who call themselves Christians, accept evolution as fact. They often attempt to meld the two worldviews together into a position called theistic evolution, which actually consists of a very thin coat of theism pasted on a solid body of Darwinism. This is all obvious, so why cannot evolutionists see this? A main reason is that they see the world through evolutionary glasses, and cannot see it for what it really is.

Evolution tells us not only where we came from, but where we are going. The so-called Big Bang teaches that the entire universe came from an extremely compact something called ‘the primordial egg’ which “popped” into existence. This was the uncaused first cause. For some unknown and unexplainable reason, this primordial egg then “exploded” creating matter, energy, time, and space. In short, the “scientific” view is literally that nothing created everything, or evolutionists believe, from nothing evolved everything.

Big Bang theory teaches that eventually, the stars will burn out, destroying the planets and their moons. The entire universe will then consist of dust spread out to the level that the universe will forever consist of a state very close to a vacuum. This state will exist forever, and never again will life, or anything else, exist anywhere. In short, evolution is a scientifically false and pessimistic, depressing worldview devoid of hope and a future.

Creation, conversely, tells us a very different story. It is an account of purpose, meaning, and life eternal with a God who, in the beginning, created everything, and cares about us. God will not allow the pessimistic state of affairs envisioned by secular atheist scientists to occur. The evidence for this Creator God is found everywhere in the natural world, both in the physical and biological worlds. In church and school presentations, using PowerPoint slides and both verbal and pictorial illustrations, we document this brief outline in more detail.

The Big Bang creation theory is the only story told in secular schools and the secular media. The only way most people will hear the other side is in church. Most ministers do not have a good background in science. This is where we come in. Our vocation for the last half century has been ministering in over 400 churches and we need to reach several hundred more. The cost to send review copies for postage and books is 12 dollars per book.

Projects that require funding

  1. Translation of our books into Chinese and other languages where the demand for our material his high.
  2. Hire a events coordinator to contact churches and schools to present seminars or other events.
  3. Fund transportation to churches that want to hold a seminar, a debate or another venue, but are unable to fund airfare transportation such as several in California.
  4. Publish books refuting evolution, including whale and horse evolution. Several books are ready to be published which document the harm caused by evolution, and funds need to be raised to publish these books.
  5. Funding the coast to distribute our material to colleges and libraries.
  6. Hiring part time administrators to coordinate speaking and publishing work.
  7. Hiring editors and proofers to ensure our work is of high quality.
  8. Postage and the resources to send newsletters to inform supporters of our activities.

The need for reviewers

One simple, but very important step, in selling our worldview is, as I learned in my atheist days, to support each other. When a creationist or Intelligent Design Supporter published a book, the title was announced on atheistic chat rooms. Soon the negative reviews and comments would flood Amazon and Barnes and Noble. When we published a book against Creationism, dozens of positive ratings would soon appear. In this case creationists should imitate our adversaries and support each other. I often send review copies to fellow creationists, encouraging them to do a review for Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Good Reads and  even Walmart (they carry my books online, but not in the stores).  This gets expensive for me, costing around $15.00 for the book and $5.00 for postage. More helpful is to do a review for AIG, CRSQ, ICR, and CMI. Read the review, then click “helpful” if you support the review. We need to be inspired by the atheist's support for each other.