Aaron Sholders, PhD

Aaron Sholders, PhDDr. Sholders is Associate Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of the College of Natural Sciences at Colorado State University. His degrees include

B.S. in Chemistry - University of Northern Colorado
M.S. in Biochemistry - Colorado State University
Ph.D. in Biochemistry - Colorado State University

His dissertation work led to the discovery of the translocation mechanism for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase responsible for replicating picornaviral genomes. This discovery may one day lead to the development of small molecule drug’s capable of treating infections caused by West Nile and Coxsaccie virus. 

Publications include the textbook Principles of Biochemistry, 2nd Edition. Aaron J. Sholders and Brian Kalet. Great Rivers Learning. 20199781644961773. https://www.greatriverlearning.com/product-details/741 

and his articles include

Distinct Conformations of a Putative Translocation Element in Poliovirus Polymerase.Aaron J. Sholders and Olve B. Peersen, Journal of Molecular Biology, 2014, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24424421/ 

A Fluorescence Polarization-based Screening Assay for Nucleic Acid Polymerase Elongation ActivitySantano P. Mesta, Aaron J. Sholders, and Olve B. PeersenAnalytical. Biochemistry, 2007, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003269707001893