Intelligent design
Charles Darwin said his first impression and intuition was that "all has been intelligently designed" at the cosmological scale but said the problem of evil and his observations of individual creatures negated that intuition, and that his so-called theory of natural selection better explained complexity and the problem of suffering than intelligent design.
But in the modern day, top-ranked physicists are astonished at how ingeniously designed biology is, to the absolute limits of what physics will allow. Sal will discuss the optimality of the quantum magnetic compass in birds, quantum quasi particles and quantum tunneling in biology, Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity, enzymes like topoisomerase. He will show by numerous recent experiments the failure of Darwinism and neo-Darwinism as told by evolutionary biologists themselves. These evolutionary biologists will, in moments of honesty, admit evolutionary biologists may be deluding themselves.
Sal takes on the problem of design "errors" and human suffering through mathematical and aesthetic arguments. He cites Shannon's noisy-channel-coding theorem and Reed-Solomon error correction as the optimal way to compact information for disks, and by way of extension, a DNA system that is so seemingly error-prone that it requires constant DNA repair is actually an optimal design. He also appeals to 2 Cor 4:17 and the story of Snow White to make aesthetic arguments when trying to reconcile human suffering with God's perfect design, and says Christ and His resurrection makes sense of human suffering.